After A Suicide; Young People Speak Up
by Kuklin, Susan
When someone commits suicide it has a devastating
effect on those left behind. Relatives and friends of
suicide victims tells of their long and painful struggle
to come to terms with the suicide of a loved one. By
sharing their experiences, these young people hope to
help remove the stigma associated with suicide and to
help prevent other deaths. Includes sources of help for
teens and a bibliography. 128 pp. Ages 12 and up.
Healing After The Suicide Of A Loved One
by Smolin, Ann (With:Guinan, John)
The authors address the special needs and emotions of
the survivors--those affected by the suicide of a loved
one--explore the natural grief, and the added guilt,
rage and shame that dealing with a suicide often engenders.
Includes a directory of worldwide support groups.
No Time To Say Goodbye; Surviving The Suicide Of A Loved One
by Fine, Carla
When her husband, a successful young physician, took
his own life in 1989, Fine felt that being unable to
speak openly and honestly about the cause of her pain
made it all the more difficult to survive. With No Time
to Say Goodbye, she brings suicide survival from the
darkness to the light, speaking frankly and with
compassion about the overwhelming feelings of
confusion, guilt, shame, anger, and loneliness.
Suicide And Homicide Among Adolescents
by Holinger, Paul C. (With: Offer, Daniel, & Bell, Carl C.)
A non-technical examination of the clinical and
epidemiological similarities and differences between
youth suicide and homicide, throwing light on both
forms of violence that could be used to inform public
policies and prevention strategies. The four authors,
all psychiatrists, cover the theoretical framework,
epidemiological and demographic patterns, a
cross-cultural perspective, and intervention and
prevention. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc.
Portland, Or.
Waking Up, Alive; The Descent, The Suicide Attempt, And The Return To Life
by Heckler, Richard A.
For the five million Americans who have attempted
suicide--and their loved ones--this remarkable book
demystifies the decision and documents the pattern of
recovery for those who survive. "Brings compassionate
light to a shadowy corner of our psyche."--Ram Dass.
Why Suicide? Answers To 200 Of The Most Frequently Asked Questions
About Suicide, Attempted Suicide, And Assisted
by Marcus, Eric
Millions of people are affected by the suicide or
attempted suicide of a loved one every year. Eric
Marcus offers honest, straightforward answers to all of
the haunting questions that plague those who are left
behind. Without moral judgment, Why Suicide?
answers the questions readers have about this complex
and painful issue.
Working Together Against Teen Suicide
by (Other:Axelrod, Toby)
Teenagers Talk About Suicide
by Crook, Marion
Teenage Suicide (Life Issues)
by Goldman, M. Nikki
Teenage Suicide
by Gardner, Sandra/ Rosenberg, Gary B.
Teen Suicide
by Galas, Judith
Suicide: Teens Talk To Teens
by Crook, Marion
Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, Postvention
by Grollman, Earl A.
Suicide, Survivors: A Guide For Those Left Behind
by (Other:Wrobleski, Adina)
Suicide Prevention: A Holistic Approach
by De Leo, Diego (Edt)/ Diekstra, R. F. W. (Edt)
Suicide Intervention In The Schools
by Poland, Scott
Straight Talk About Teenage Suicide
by Frankel, Bernard (With:Kranz, Rachel)
The Psychology Of Suicide; A Clinician's Guide To Evaluation And Treatment
by Shneidman, E. & Shneidman, Edwin S. (Editor:Litman, N.)
The Power To Prevent Suicide; A Guide For Teens Helping Teens
by Nelson, Richard E. (With:Galas, Judith C.)
Please, Listen To Me: Your Guide To Understanding Teenagers And Suicide
by Crook, Marion
Making Sense Of Suicide: Complete Guide To Why People Kill Themselves
by Lester, David
A Handbook For The Understanding Of Suicide
by Perlin, Ss/Perlin, Seymour
Everything You Need To Know About Teen Suicide
by Hammerslough, Jane
Depression & Suicide In Children And Adolescents:
Prevention, Intervention, & Postvention
by Patros, Philip G.
Death By Denial: Studies Of Suicide In Gay And Lesbian Teenagers
by Remafedi, Gary
Cry Of Pain: Understanding Suicide And Self-Harm
by Williams, Mark
The Cruelest Death: The Enigma Of Adolescent Suicide
by Lester, David
College Student Suicide
by Whitaker, Leighton C. (Editor:Slimak, Richard E.)
Adolescent Suicide: Assessment And Intervention
by Berman, Alan L./ Jobes, David A.
Adolescent Suicide: A School Based Approach To Assessment & Intervention
by Kirk, William G.